Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Flying Fish

Simon thought that when Daddy made the fish rattle fly in the air and spin that is was hilarious, as demonstrated in the video below.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We had fun on our first Easter. Simon got lots of bright colored egg rattles and some fun toys from the Easter bunny.

Rolley was interested in the basket of goodies as well.

The morning nap started out a little rough...after about 5 minutes listening to Simon make some noise before falling asleep, I went in to check on him and was surprised to see that he had wiggled his legs through the crib much for the blanket trying to give the perception of enclosure.
Isn't Easter supposed to be sunny and bright? After waking up to about 10" of snow on the driveway, we had to explain to Simon that in Telluride the Easter bunny is a snow bunny.

Grandma Vicki came to visit on Easter.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

seven month old Simon

Last night on Simon's seven month birthday he slept from 7pm to 7am, with no feeding or waking for more than a few little squeaks...what a blessing. Our sweet baby boy shows us his new fun abilities everyday. This week he has started to add buh, ba, and gguhjj to his vocab, which already includes da da da, and bbbbb (sorry for the spelling but it is the best I can do to spell out his funny little sounds). He has also started shaking his head back and forth as if he is nodding no, although I think he is trying to dance when he makes this action...he really thinks it is funny. Here is a month by month picture log of our sweetie.