Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nana time

Laura's mom (Nana) came to visit last week. She was a big help and we enjoyed having her very much. She gave Shane a much needed break from making dinner and she got to see a true Telluride snowstorm. Unfortunately Simon, who has recently turned into a real Mama's boy, didn't behave as we would have hoped, but I think she enjoyed him all the same, smiling or crying.
Playtime with Nana

Simon and Nana

Pop Pop's hat might take a while to grow into...we'll have to find a 4 foot fly rod to go with it.
Simon and mommy after bathtime, sporting the duck towel.
Simon is really starting to enjoy bathtime.

1 comment:

Skip, Stephanie, Emerald, Calvin, and Zachary said...

I love seeing the new pics. He has changed so much in 2 months!! Laura looks fantastic. There are some sweet pics of your little man and his mommy. That mamma's boy thing is good and bad. Enjoy it while it lasts (even if it is hard), b/c soon they'll tell you to "go away" (Calvin) and "no kisses mommy" (Emers). Hugs from Aunt Steph, Uncle Skip, and his cousins.